Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Rematch for a Good Cause

No Business Like (Trade) Show Business

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Face Time. It Matters. Sometimes, I Guess.

Survey results showed that more than 40 percent of C-level executives are willing to spend on new virtual meetings technologies. This finding indicates that top decision-makers likely view the concept of virtual travel as a beneficial investment and supports the idea that companies are transitioning from targeting cost reductions to a strategy built around more thoughtful spending to connect employees.
- 74 percent said their companies use or plan to use audio-conferencing as an alternative to travel.
- 15 percent of respondents are currently researching broadband collaboration options.
- 10 percent have no alternative technology strategy to replace in-person meetings.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Travel Promotion Act, or, Now What?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Convene On Site: CGA Focus Forum


Thursday, March 25, 2010
When Thought Leaders Are Just That
How Not to Win Friends and Influence Others

What is the best use of social media? What can it do for my meeting? Who should be allowed to tweet, and when? Will it increase attendance? What are the dangers associated with having a social media presence? Or, simply, what is it?
Convene covered this topic extensively in our February issue's cover story package (which you can read here), including discussion of a higher education conference at which the tweets got downright nasty. Unfortunately, it seems that many associations and organizations have to learn things the hard way when it comes to social media.
Or you could pay attention to some high-profile social media belly flops on the part of major corporations, all of which have recently handled (sometimes poorly, sometimes skillfully) online conflagarations.
The five lessons that can be learned from social media public relations disasters, according to a recent Atlantic blog post, are:
1. Don't get defensiveFor more on this — including discussion of the companies' boneheaded moves that launched a thousand tweets — click through here.
2. Closely watch social networks for complaints
3. Don't stalk your customers
4. Be vigilant of how employees use social media
5. Don't insult a cohesive community
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Grocery Bag Epiphany
I stopped for a few items at a popular grocery store in Manhattan on my way home and pulled out the nylon shopping bag that I sometimes -- but not always -- have tucked away in my purse. "Thanks for bringing your own bag," the cashier said. "Guess how many paper bags we use a week?" she asked me. I really had no idea. "Five tons," was the answer.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about that number. Five tons of paper a week for one (granted, very busy) store just for grocery bags. It put the issue of making sustainable choices in terms that is hard for me to ignore -- and illustrated how critical it is to keep working on the sometimes unglamorous, but very neccessary, work of changing behaviour.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Convene On Site: DC Convention Center

Friday, March 19, 2010
SXSW: Top Ten (Slightly Heretical) Networking Tips
Don't be too cool to carry business cards.
Don't be too quick to ask someone to be your Facebook friend.
Speaker Thom Singer offered these and seven other tips for networking at South by Southwest (SXSW) 2010 that make for good advice for attendees at any conference.
Convene On Site: Meet Me in Hawaii

My group, a few members of the media and a handful of meeting planners, is staying at the Sheraton Waikiki, a newly renovated 1,636-room property perched on a popular stretch of Waikiki Beach. After three years and $187 million worth of upgrades, the hotel’s new pool complex, four restaurants, Spa Khakara, and revamped 45,000 square feet of meeting space are a stunning departure from the Hawaiian hotel of yesteryear — when flower prints bigger than your head and kitschy, splashy colors made your eyes sore.
Refurbished guest rooms, lobbies, and meeting spaces are outfitted in clean, dark woods, soothing neutral colors, and local artwork. Bliss amenities line the sinks (flanked by plantation shutters if you like to peek at the ocean while you get ready), while open-air lobbies and plenty of retail shops on the main floor provide a bustling hotel center. Fortunately the property has not lost its marks of local culture: Sustainably farmed produce from nearby farms dominate the menus at the new Kai Market and Rum Fire restaurants and traditional ukulele concerts and hula dances are daily events next to the infinity pool.
Next door, the famed 529-room Royal Hawaiian, reopened in 2009 after a $60 million renovation and rebranding, is a historic treasure with an Old World ambiance that has hosted everyone from Agatha Christie to Elizabeth Taylor. Much of the hotel’s design and architecture from its 1927 opening has been painstakingly maintained and the fun pink theme running throughout (everything from the bathrobes to the exterior are pink) makes the property an easy one to spot on busy Waikiki Beach.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Testing the Upper Limits of "There Is No Such Thing as Bad Publicity"

In a Philadelphia Inquirer editorial published earlier this month, Steve Young made an impassioned (albeit tongue-in-cheek) argument for holding the upcoming Khalid Sheikh Mohammed "terror trial" at — get this — the City of Brotherly Love's Pennsylvania Convention Center. Young writes:
All [Philadelphia Mayor Michael] Nutter has to do is invite the trial to the Convention Center, home of the (yawn) Home Show, Auto Show, and Flower Show. The Mohammed Show would top them all for family entertainment.I can't help but feel for the planners of the Home, Auto, and Flower shows. How could they hope to compete — excitement-wise, at least — with the trial of a terror mastermind?
But at least Young is thinking outside of the box — or maybe he's thought himself right off the reservation. For instance, get this suggestion:
During weekends and nights, meanwhile, there would be plenty of room for Mohammed at the abandoned 53,000-square-foot Levitz furniture showroom just off Route 95 in Levittown — a quick commute from the Convention Center. This temporary Bucks County Gitmo would be the perfect complement to Sesame Place.
A room night is a room night is a room night, after all. Young even closes out his smart-aleck editorial with a tip for the Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau marketing team:
I can see the marketing campaign now: "Have your next terrorist trial here. With love, Philadelphia XOXO."
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Value of Values

In 2003, a colleague was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and took immediate medical leave for treatment. In the office, we tried to think of any and all ways we could help: James loved movies, so we signed him up for the biggest monthly package Netflix offered, so he always had a stack of new movies to watch. To our great sorrow, James succumbed to the disease seven months later. When I eventually remembered to cancel the Netflix subscription, the final statement showed that several discs had not been returned.
I couldn’t see calling James’ grieving partner to ask about the DVDs, so I called Netflix to explain why I would need to pay the replacement costs. Their reply was immediate: “Don’t worry about it,” the Netflix representative said. “We’ll take care of it. I’m very sorry for your loss.”
It was an unexpectedly kind response that came at a hard time. And from then on, I began to think about Netflix, not so much as the huge corporation that it is, but as a place where real people, with values I admire, work. Nothing — not even the occasional flurry of bad publicity — has changed my mind about the company in the years since then.
It made me curious about company policy and I wasn’t surprised when I found a slide presentation Netflix CEO and co-founder Reed Hastings created about what he calls Netflix’s “Freedom and Responsibility Culture.” The first of seven points is: “Values are What We Value.”
"Values" could be said to be the tie that binds together the stories in our new “Giving Back” series, which highlights ways that organizations and companies demonstrate their commitment to, not just the bottom line, but to the local and global community. (This month we talked to hotel chefs who had installed beehives on their properties' roofs, to simultaneously boost the bee population and harvest homegrown honey for their kitchens.)
Know of any interesting or innovative ways that individuals or organizations are giving tangible expression to the greater social good and community and sustainablity? Please share.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Saving Face
Monday, March 15, 2010
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto

Friday, March 12, 2010
Music City Center Construction Cam
This past week, according to Nashville TV station WSMV, "construction crews [began] blasting and drilling on the far side of the Country Music Hall of Fame to remove about 360,000 tons of rock before work begins on building the new convention center."
As such, convention center geeks might be interested to know that a fun "construction Web cam" is available via OxBlue Construction Camera Service. Click here to see how the new Music City Center is coming along. (Answer: Not much just yet, but there's a cool time-lapse option so you can watch the progress thus far.)

"Modern convention centers don’t have to be big boxes. They can be architecturally attractive buildings that fit into the fabric of a neighborhood."
All a-Twitter

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's Signs
Why has there been such growth in the field? One cause is the remarkable pace of economic development over the past half-century. Developed countries have been building increasingly complicated spaces -- shopping malls, multiplexes, convention centers, multi-terminal airports -- that require good navigation systems in order for people to use them. In addition, businesses and municipalities alike have realized that well-oriented people are calmer, happier, and more likely to spend money (and plan return visits) than people who are lost. Investing in a good wayfinding system has real financial rewards.
Lessons from 'Lost'

Lostpedia was created for fans of the television show “Lost,” launched in 2005 by a fan and now owned by Wales’ company Wikia. It holds (as of last month) a whopping 5,795 separate articles related to the show’s themes, cliff-hanging plot twists, characters, and digital page after digital page of “Lost” miscellanea.
The site’s popularity is a sign of the influence that user-based communities can wield on producers of content – in response, the show’s creators began to layer in more and more mysteries for online commenters to unpack.
And interestingly, pointed out panelist David Jacobs, vice president at the blogging company Six Apart, the Internet community has contributed to fans being more likely to watch the show on television when it is first aired, rather than later on DVD or by streaming. Fans don’t want to risk being left out of the online conversation, or, for that matter, of conversations at work the next day. (At Six Apart, the show is so popular the workaholic staff schedules time to discuss “Lost” on the group calendar, Jacobs said.)
It’s a lesson that conference organizers are learning: If you make your content compelling enough, online communities will not only not replace your meeting, but will dramatically increase the appetite for it.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
'A Lean-Back Experience'

March 2010 Issue: Live!

- A Leading by Example interview with Fred Luskin, Ph.D., director of the Stanford Forgiveness Projects and a pioneer in exploring the healing power of forgiveness
- Meetings We Like profiles of two cool hybrid events that blended in-person and online attendees -- from the Virtual Edge Institute and the PCMA Greater Midwest Chapter
- An Innovative Meetings column about the Panel Picker application that Austin's legendary South by Southwest Music and Media Conference uses to solicit public input about its programming
- Our second Giving Back column, this one about hotels and other venues that have installed beehives on their rooftops so they have a local source of fresh honey
- A Book Excerpt from The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, by Atul Gawande -- a new title with obvious appeal for a profession that lives and dies by its to-do lists
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Friending Eventbrite

The rapidly growing Eventbrite could be a game-changer, particularly for smaller meetings and events. The online events company doesn't charge a fee to list free events, and offers a wide range of high-octane marketing and communication tools. And, as Eventbrite co-founder and president Julia Hartz told Wired last December, their focus is very broad:
"We’re not afraid of [the larger venue market], but it’s just a slice of the pie ... There’s so much else in the pie — classes, conferences, trainings, and those smaller venues, fairs and festivals that are directly in our wheelhouse right now, and we’re also really excited about the enabling and the empowering of those who aren’t [currently] using anything [to ticket their events]. You asked about our competition — it’s actually ‘nothing,’ because it’s people who are still using Excel and e-mail, with invites and checks."
The move also would knit the San Francisco-based Eventbrite and Facebook more closely together: Eventbrite already offers attendees the ability to send messages to social networking sites including Facebook and Twitter, when they register for an event.
Event Management 101: The Oscars
Starting with the basics, Cecchetto knows to get a drink in guests' hands right away because "they need to be doing something -- it makes them more comfortable." There should be quiet music in the background because complete quiet makes people uncomfortable. And the food should be immediately available for the hungry hordes who've been sitting at the award show for at least three hours, and very likely four. The party planner has commissioned 30 banquettes for the evening at which the expected 1,500 guests can gather and get conversations flowing.
Monday, March 8, 2010
King Content
The format for this ongoing series of "talks," in disciplines including technology, business, and the arts, was very similar to something called "Pecha Kucha" (pronounced "pe-chak-cha"), a quick-draw presentation format created by a pair of architects in Tokyo in 2003.
The conceit for Pecha Kucha is this: You only get 20 slides, and each slide auto-advances after 20 seconds. That's a total of 400 seconds, or six and two-thirds minutes for each presentation. The Brooklyn event was roughly the same, although each slide was only given 15 seconds on the screen.
Twelve presentations, five minutes each, on a host of topics, from socially responsible iPhone apps to orchestral transcriptions of rock and pop songs. Sounds like a can't-miss, edutaining (that's educational + entertaining, for those who were wondering) event, does it not?
Unfortunately, it was not.
The problem wasn't the format, which was clever and hip and managed to draw a capacity crowd of attendees, each of whom shelled out $10 to be there and were clearly excited for the evening.
Rather, the problem was the content, which variously seemed schizophrenically slapdash, criminally undercooked, blatantly self-promotional, and, well — just boring.
Surprisingly, not many in the audience chose to bail on the proceedings — but perhaps this is more a result of the principle by which very few people ever walk out of movies. "Sure, it's bad," you think, "but I've already invested so much time in it!"
It was easy to discern, however, that the crowd's enthusiasm, which at the beginning of the evening had been high and festive, wavered and sputtered. They didn't leave, but I'd wager dollars to donuts that they'll think twice before coming back.
So what does all this tell us, in the age of social media, Web 3.0, advanced production design, and cutting-edge presentation formats?
It tells us that content — not format — is and will remain king. No matter how hip or cutting-edge an event's packaging might be, if the speakers you feature are duds, your audience won't be coming back.
Your attendees are adults, with (hopefully) an adult's ability to discern what is smoke and mirrors and what is the real educational deal — so be sure your format and your speakers are thoroughly vetted, well-versed in their chosen topic, and prepared and practiced.
In short, make sure that they are worthy of your attendees' valuable time.
Notes From a Retreat
- Retreating is a lot like house painting: It's all about the prep work. We four editors -- Michelle and I, along with Senior Editors Barbara Palmer and Hunter Slaton -- had participated in a joint sales and editorial retreat in Chicago a few weeks before, and we reviewed the action items and other notes from that in advance of our own meeting. That helped us shape some big important questions about our editorial mix. Each of us also went magazine shopping before the retreat, and brought to Michelle's house those publications that most spoke to us for a little glossy, four-color show-and-tell. All of this pre-brainstorming really helped focus our efforts at the retreat, because it felt like we'd already figured out what we didn't want to talk about.
- The best ideas come from nowhere: Or, they don't come from where you expect them to. We ended up with a few great ideas for new feature articles and departments when we were talking about something else completely, because something somebody said made us double or triple back on a topic we thought we'd covered. It definitely made me realize, for about the 53rd time, that the true power of face-to-face meetings is serendipity. You simply don't now who you're going to meet and what you're going to talk about until you're there.
- Kenny Rogers was right: You got to know when to fold 'em. The first day of our retreat was more like a half-day -- we started after lunch and went until dinner, and it was tremendously productive. The next day, we started right after breakfast, broke for lunch, and went through late afternoon. And while that was also productive, in retrospect I think we stayed at it for an hour or two longer than we should have. We'd already accomplished a lot, and by the end we were tired and less focused. Next time I'd be inclined to plot out our schedule for the day, then preemptively lop off the last segment.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Slideshow Experience

Friday, March 5, 2010
Finding Your Deadheads
Streaming content online isn't the same as being there. Watching the presentations is only part of the experience; an equal part is mingling with other attendees, who are often of the same caliber as those on stage. Come for the talks, stay for the hallway conversations.
In the late 1980s, Rebecca G. Adams, a sociologist at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, who studies friendships formed across distances, noticed deep bonds between Deadheads. The bonds seemed to belie the idea, then popular among leading social thinkers, that communities based on common interest, whose members do not live near each other, lack emotional and moral depth -- that Deadheads might belong to what sociologists call a "lifestyle enclave," but couldn't possibly form meaningful relationships. ...... Without intending to -- while intending, in fact, to do just the opposite -- the band pioneered ideas and practices that were subsequently embraced by corporate America. One was to focus intensely on its most loyal fans. It established a telephone hotline to alert them to its touring schedule ahead of any public announcement, reserved for them some of the best seats in the house, and capped the price of tickets, which the band distributed through its own mail-order house. ... They famously permitted fans to tape their shows, ceding a major revenue source in potential record sales. According to [Nova Southeastern University business professor Barry] Barnes, the decision was not entirely selfless: it reflected a shrewd assessment that tape sharing would widen their audience, a ban would be unenforceable, and anyone inclined to tape a show would probably spend money elsewhere, such as on merchandise or tickets.
Temple Grandin: 'Light the Spark'
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Year of the Corporate Planner?
The events and the meetings are very similar. Our shows [at Microsoft] contain the same components: We’ve got keynotes, breakouts, content tracks, exhibitors, F&B functions, registration. Really, an event is an event; it’s the same discipline.Case in point, see this interview with Arthur Paton, senior learning officer for Motorola University. Paton will be a presenter at the Chief Learning Officer Summit 2010, held this coming April 11–13 at the Château Élan Winery & Resort in Braselton, Georgia. What part of Paton's observation about trends in corporate learning cannot said to be applicable to association planners?
The demographics in most companies are changing rapidly — the workforce is becoming more diverse and younger, and these individuals have different modes of learning. Many come from cultures that are more communal in learning. Therefore, we believe that social networking tools will continue to be a primary delivery methodology. The challenge for CLOs is that learning will need to be repurposed or packaged into smaller nuggets for this new environment. Think of a Google search when you need an answer to a question — this new demographic is going to expect learning to operate like that.Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds just like what's happening as more and more members of Generation Y start to join associations and show up at annual meetings.
Your thoughts? Weigh in via the comments function. (Note that thoughtful responses could well show up in a future print issue of Convene.)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Turismo Chile: Earthquake Update 2
March 2, 2010 – Following the magnitude 8.8 quake that hit central
Flight operations will resume in two phases: Phase 1 – March 2 to 5, 2010 - Domestic flights will gradually resume operations with a limited schedule between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and international flights also with a limited schedule will be operating between 8.pm and 8 a.m. A temporary makeshift terminal has been set up in tents in order to process departing passengers. All arriving international flights during this period will stopover in another Chilean city prior to landing in Phase 2 – March 5th onward - Domestic and international flights will be operating 24 hours. All domestic flight arrivals and departures will be operating out of a makeshift terminal set up in tents located to the east of the airport’s old terminal. International flight departures will move to the domestic flights sector of the current terminal. International arriving passengers will clear Chilean customs and immigration formalities in a makeshift facility set up in tents to the west of the current terminal. All passengers should contact their airline for updated information on flight schedules and changes. |
US and Canadian tour operators and media requiring additional information or assistance can contact Turismo
They Had Me At the Blue-Fur Hats ...

I was lucky enough to be there in person and two things stood out for me. One was the attention that organizers gave to providing relevant content to attendees. The schedule was created with online input from registrants, and was adjusted throughout the day, according to attendee interest. That kind of active listening also permeated the way that speakers and moderators related to the audience. You could just see that they cared.
And, two, in their efforts to create a truly innovative event, they didn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. They kept track of the basics, like breaking the ice and paying attention to pacing. By an online vote, attendees decreed that the conference should begin with the founders wearing blue-fur, horned hats, copies of the one that Fred Flintstone wore on lodge night (Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes Lodge 26). It made everyone laugh and relax, and organizers hauled them out again to close out the day. By wearing the hats, organizers made themselves a little goofy and very likeable — and instantly created a shared group experience.
The registration fee was very low – only $75 — and I wasn’t expecting entertainment at lunch, much less the excellence of The Three Waiters, a trio of comic opera singers. We happily would have blazed through lunch talking about events and social media, but the music gave our brains a chance to cruise along a different track. The whole day was like that – filled with surprises as well as structure.
If I had a blue-fur, horned hat, it would be off to the organizers. Don’t miss the webinar, on Friday, March 5.
As the White House Turns
Perhaps the most obvious superficial difference between the outgoing and incoming social secretaries is one of culture and style: Where Rogers was high-profile and glamorous, Smoot is low-key and a more conventional political operative. A 2007 Washington Post profile described her as having "a blend of Southern charm and brash straight talk." And where Rogers appreciated the power of the limelight, Smoot has a better understanding of the no-drama Obama ethos, several Democratic officials said.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Turismo Chile: Earthquake Update
Monday March 1, 2010 - Chile suffered an 8.8 quake in the early morning hours of Saturday February 27, 2010. The cities closest to the epicenter, including Concepcion, Talcahuano and Temuco as well as a number of small towns along Chile’s central coast were most affected by the quake.
The five different tourism regions promoted by Turismo Chile are reporting the following updates:
Desert – The north of Chile was not affected by the quake and has not reported any damage.
Easter Island – Easter Island, which lies 2,300 miles off the cost of mainland Chile, a 5.5-hour flight from Santiago, was not affected by the quake. Initial tsunami warnings have been lifted and all operations are normal.
Santiago and Central Region - Santiago’s airport suffered structural damage to the passenger terminal, however no damage was reported to the runways and the airport is expected to reopen later this week. Electricity and phone lines have been restored in Santiago and the city’s public transportation including its metro is fully operational. Valparaiso and Viña del Mar have also reported damage. The annual Viña del Mar International Music festival which was underway has been suspended.
Lakes and Volcanoes – The northern part of the Lakes and Volcanoes region, around the city of Concepcion and the Bio Bio River, was most affected by the quake. Authorities are still working on assessing the full damage. Basic essential services including water, electricity, and telecommunications are gradually being restored. The southern part of the Lakes and Volcanoes region was not affected by the quake. Operations in popular tourist towns including Pucon, Puerto Varas, and Puerto Montt are normal.
Patagonia – The far south of the country was not affected by the quake and has not reported any damage.
Chile is a country with a history of seismic activity. The country’s preparedness, including its strict anti-seismic building codes, the rapid emergency response from the government, as well as the help from a number of organizations can be credited for managing the situation and help minimize the damage. The country’s tourism infrastructure has, overall, fared well, reporting little damage.
"Our thoughts and sentiments go out to the families who have lost loved ones," said Pablo Moll, executive director of Turismo Chile. "Chileans are a resilient people and we are hard at work to get the country back on its feet quickly. We look forward to continuing to welcome travelers and are making every effort to making them feel safe and secure."
US and Canadian tour operators and media requiring additional information or assistance can contact Turismo Chile at ofitur@embassyofchile.org.
Some Canadian Humor