When I interviewed futurist
David Houle about how society and culture are changing for a story in the December issue, one of the things we talked about is the paradox of the new high-tech/high-touch environment. Digital natives, who have grown up never knowing what it is like to be without the Internet and cell phones, are not only the most technologically advanced generation, but among the most connected. "They text one another all day long," Houle pointed out. "They hug."
I thought of that conversation when I read that
NYC & Company is
collecting wishes, both in-person and online, which they will include as a part of the confetti that flutters down to mark midnight in Times Squares. Visitors can write them in person on a "New Year's Eve Wishing Wall" at the Times Square Information Center, or submit them online.
Who knew confetti could be interactive?
Image courtesy NYC & Company
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